Stainless Steel Pressure Tank
SUS pressure feeding tank
Fuso Seiki Lumina stainless-steel pressure-feeding tank for liquids. This feeding tank is used when liquid viscosity is high or when seeking to supply liquid to a spray gun that has placed in a high position.

FUSO SEIKI Stainless steel pressure-feeding tank for liquids.
Liquid that has been put into a sealed tank is supplied to the spray gun using air pressure. This feeding tank is used when liquid viscosity is high or when seeking to supply liquid to a spray gun that has placed in a high position.

●Safe structure prevents the lid from being opened during pressurization.
●Lightweight and compact.
●One-touch lever enables the lid to be opened and closed easily.
●4 sizes available: 4, 10, 18 and 39 liters.
●In keeping with usage purpose, can be equipped with a level gauge, lower-limit senor and various other options.

Model Capacity (ℓ) Solvent-resistant Level gauge Lower-limit float Mass (kg)
CT-N5 4 × × × 2.80
CT-N5F × × 2.85
CT-N5T-SR × × 2.80
CT-N5FT-SR × 2.85
CT-N10 10 × × × 3.40
CT-N10L × × 3.55
CT-N10F × × 3.45
CT-N10LF × 3.60
CT-N10T-SR × × 3.40
CT-N10LT-SR × 3.55
CT-N10FT-SR × 3.45
CT-N10LFT-SR 3.60
CT-N20 18 × × × 4.10
CT-N20L × × 4.30
CT-N20F × × 4.15
CT-N20LF × 4.30
CT-N20T-SR × × 4.10
CT-N20LT-SR × 4.30
CT-N20FT-SR × 4.15
CT-N20LFT-SR 4.30
CT-N39 39 × × × 8.10
CT-N39L × × 8.55
CT-N39F × × 8.15
CT-N39LF × 8.55
CT-N39T-SR × × 8.10
CT-N39LT-SR × 8.55
CT-N39FT-SR × 8.15
CT-N39LFT-SR 8.55

※Model names suffixing:
 L = Equipped with lever gauge(liquid surface gauge/Teflon)
 F = Equipped with lower-limit float switch
 LF =Equipped with lever gauge and lower-limit float switch
 T-SR = Solvent resistance(With Stainless steel relief valve.
 Capacity less than 20L = O-ring coated Teflon
 Capacity 39L = O-ring coated Perfluo

※Various of models can meet your needs.